"Disaster Preparedness and Response" training for instructors was organized

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In partnership with UNICEF, the NEMA organized a training for instructors under the theme of "Disaster Preparedness and Response" on 03-07 June 2024.

In this training, 30 officers from the Capital City Emergency Management Department including rescuers, classification training and promotion, and prevention specialists participated.

Colonel Ts.Uranchimeg, Director of the Prevention Department emphasized in her speech that "The report issued by the United Nations showed that the frequency of natural disasters and dangerous phenomena in the world will increase three-fold immediately.

In the last five years, children accounted for more than 20% of the victims of disasters and accidents. "Therefore, emergency organizations pay special attention to strategic planning and creating conditions to prevent disasters and provide security to people is a priority".

Improved capacity and prepared local Emergency Department personnel with a training module on "Disaster Preparedness and Response", "Child-oriented Training and teaching methods, children's cognitive development and characteristics", and "Gender and disabilities" in the context of disasters and emergencies specialized in the field of child protection during the emergency.

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