Regional training kicks off in the southern region

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Regional training on "Child Protection Policy, Disaster Preparedness, and Planning" is being organized within the cooperation framework between the National Emergency Management Agency and the United Nations Children's Fund.
Brigadier General B. Uuganbayar, Deputy Chief of the NEMA, Mr. Peter Zafirov, Deputy Resident Representative of the United Nations Children's Fund, and Colonel M. Adyaabaatar, Head of the Emergency Management Department of the Southern Region-Umnogov Province, attended in the opening of the training.
The personnel of Umnogov, Bayankhongor, Dundgov, Govsumber, Uverkhangai, and Dornogovi provinces of the Southern region attend the training.

Brigadier General B. Uuganbayar, in his opening speech, emphasized that the parents' council will play a crucial role in ensuring the implementation of the "Child Protection Policy". 
Personnel who work in Emergency organizations there is little time to spend at home because we are working hard to protect citizens and property. Indeed, our employees who work in emergency organizations are often left behind because they cannot take care of their homes. Especially when the family is working in the emergency services, children's safety is faced with multiple obstacles. He said that to ensure the safety of the children of our employees, parents' councils have been established in each branch and unit, and measures are being taken to prevent the children of our employees from being at risk.

The two-day training will be held in the framework of two main areas: child protection policy, disaster preparedness, and planning, and a guest lecturer from the General Department of Child and Family Development Protection is participating to provide information regarding the revision of the Law on Child Protection. 
In addition, discussion will be held on the future goals of the Child Protection Policy of the Emergency Organization and the Working Procedures of the Parents' Council, and the employees will be empowered with the knowledge of response measures to be taken during disaster preparedness.

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