А Delegation from nema participated in the conference to protect the border forests and prevent wildfires

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In 2022, the governments of Mongolia and the People's Republic of China approved an agreement to prevent forest and field fires along their border. The Mongolian working group delegation led by Colonel Ts. Nyambayar, Director of the Fire Fighting Department of NEMA,  and other senior officers participated in a high-level meeting. 
The delegation participated in a discussion about the "Manual for Fighting Forest and Field Fires near the Border Between China and Mongolia," which was developed by experts from Mongolia and China.  The side agreed to finalize and jointly approve the training and fire extinguishing manual.

From the Chinese side, participants included Yang Xiudong, head of the United Fire Prevention Department of the Ministry of Emergencies; Liu Shunzhang, Deputy head of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Emergencies; Jianguo, Deputy director of the National Institute of Natural Disaster Prevention; and officials from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Special Department of Emergency Situations, General Department of Fire Fighting, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meeting of Representatives,  Governor of Public Citizens of Khulunbuir, Shiliin Gol, Hyangan Province. 

During the meeting, the Administrative Office of Hyangan Province of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China handed over 600,000 yuan worth of forest and field firefighting equipment to the National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia.

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А Delegation from nema participated in the conference to protect the border forests and prevent wildfires

During the meeting, the Administrative Office of Hyangan Province of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China handed over 600,000 yuan worth of forest and field firefighting equipment to the National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia.