The chief of nema took part in an international exhibition and exchanged views on further cooperation

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The delegation led by the Chief of NEMA, Major General G. Ariunbuyan, participated in the "International K-Security-2024" exhibition organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Security of the Republic of Korea. More than 300 enterprises, companies, manufacturers, government, and non-government organizations from around the world participated in the exhibition held on 10-12 September 2024  at Bexco Complex in Busan.
The participants presented the latest advanced techniques and equipment for disaster prevention, fire fighting, industry, community, public service, water, rail, road safety, and hygiene. Also, international safety and industrial meetings, trade meetings, safety training, promotional activities, and the "World Disaster and Safety Business Forum" were organized respectively.
Major General G. Ariunbuyan met with representatives led by Kim Hun, head of the training planning department of the Fire Service Academy of Gyeonggi Province, and discussed further cooperation.

The Chief of NEMA met with the deputy director of the country's Electronic Communications Research Institute, Kim Seung-hwan, and exchanged ideas on the implementation of the project "Establishing a Smart Emergency Management Center Enabled by Information and Communication Technology in Mongolia" and familiarized himself with the operations of the Emergency Management Center.
In addition, a visit was made to get acquainted with the activities of the Earthquake Disaster Prevention Research Center.
The center was established in 2004 and is an organization that conducts seismic research and experiments, develops new technologies, and supports young researchers.

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