NEMA holds a discussion on cooperation with JICA

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The Chief of NEMA, Major General G. Ariunbuyan, received Tanaka Shinichi, the head of the Japan International Cooperation Organization (JICA) representative office in Mongolia, and Miyagi Kensuke, the newly appointed head.
Regarding the completion of Mr. Tanaka Shinichi’s term in Mongolia, Major General G. Ariunbuyan noted the "Project to Strengthen the Capacity to Protect Mongolia from Earthquake Disasters" and "The Project to Strengthen the National Capacity to Protect and Prevent Disasters" were successfully implemented by the National Emergency Management Agency in cooperation with JICA. These projects included humanitarian aid provided by the Japanese people to support Mongolia during the floods and droughts last year, as well as long and short-term training organized by JICA to enhance the skills of the Emergency Service personnel in disaster protection.

The Chief of NEMA praised the significant progress achieved in the implementation of the aforementioned projects. Additionally, Mr. Kensuke Miyagi, the newly appointed head of the Resident Mission, delivered a brief presentation on the activities of the Emergency Service. He expressed his support for the continuation of joint projects and programs and wished everyone success in their work.

Mr. Miyagi Kensuke expressed his commitment to actively work on developing cooperation between the two countries in disaster prevention. Meanwhile, Mr. Tanaka Shinichi emphasized his satisfaction with the successful implementation of the project, along with the Emergency Service staff.   
Under the "Grass Roots" program of the Government of Japan, Nagoya University, in cooperation with JICA, NEMA, and the National University of Mongolia has launched the "National Disaster Prevention and Protection Capacity Building Project." The project has been successfully implemented in Hovd province, and the second phase is currently being implemented nationwide in cooperation with the Ministry of Education starting next year.

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