Participated training in republic of armenia

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Lieutenant E. Ankhbayar, the Head of the Special Group for Protection from Explosives and Explosive Substances of the Chemical Operation Branch of the National Rescue Brigade under NEMA, participated in training on "Transportation of large cargo through natural and man-made obstacles" organized in the Republic of Armenia.

The training was jointly organized by the International Civil Protection Organization and the Russian-Armenian Center for Humanitarian Aid. A total of 10 officers from Armenia, Algeria, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Serbia, Egypt, Malaysia, Mongolia, Jordan, and the Russian Federation participated in the training.

During the training, participants learned how to safely move heavy debris and other objects using mechanized lifting vehicles, height rescue tools, and manual tools for rescue operations. The training included a combination of table-top instruction and hands-on practice.

For instance, in scenarios where mechanized lifting vehicles are impractical, they took part in hands-on training for lifting and moving large-scale construction debris, rocks, and victims using available materials and height rescue tools and equipment.


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