Exchanged Views on Cooperation in Disaster Prevention Field

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The Deputy Chief of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Colonel Y. Gantumor, met with the Deputy Head of the Embassy of the Commonwealth of Australia, Mr. Andrew Burniman.

During the meeting, both parties discussed avenues for strengthening cooperation between their countries in the field of disaster prevention. They also explored potential collaborations with Australian disaster protection authorities.

One significant area highlighted was the success of the International Volunteer Development Program, implemented by the Australian Government in 2012. As part of this initiative, English language courses at various levels—basic, intermediate, and advanced—were conducted for personnel at NEMA, the Capital City Emergency Management Department, and the National Rescue Brigade. Over 200 officers, representing 30-35% of the participants, benefited from the training. Colonel Gantumor emphasized that these programs significantly enhanced English proficiency among the staff.

To build on this progress, both sides agreed to prioritize the recruitment and integration of volunteers from both nations to further strengthen bilateral collaboration in disaster prevention and management.

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